State Legislature rejects medical use of psilocybin
After trying various treatments, Wendy Lynn said psilocybin is what got her out of her wheelchair. However, her hopes of...
Public health hot topic: Measles outbreaks
Submitted by San Juan County.
EDC workshops and job postings
Submitted by the Economic Development Council.
The faces of hospitality
Submitted by Amy N. Nesler, San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau.
County to test vote-counting equipment in March
San Juan County’s Elections office will be holding a “Logic and Accuracy” test of ballot tabulating equipment used for the…
Public meeting: Land Bank using prescribed fires to manage wildfire risks and restore ecosystems
Submitted by the San Juan County Land Bank.
Lawmakers propose $50 million for passenger ferries
By Juan Jocom
A country turns from its allies | Letters
I was in grade school during WWII, a teenager during Korea and a young adult serving my country in our…
Local news sources are more valuable than ever | Letters
There was a time when local sources were the only sources of news when all towns were what today we…
- Then they came for me | Letter
- Wasteful spending… again | Letter
- Thank you for the past opportunity to serve and for the support from the County
- Thank you from Stephanie O’Day | Letter
- A heartfelt thank you: Embracing community and unity | Letter
- Weather weirding and homeowner’s insurance | Letter
Willow cultivation and crafting by Maria Bullock
Submitted by the Orcas Island Garden Club.
Amazon responds to news story about local deliveries
Editor’s note: We stand by our coverage of this piece that ran in the Feb. 26 editions.
Spring is near, but influenza is still here
Submitted by San Juan County’s Department of Health &Community Services.
Bizarre brightness; canine car chaos | San Juan County Sheriff’s log
The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls.
4.5 earthquake off Orcas Island on Monday, March 3
Staff report
- Holly B’s Bakery rolling pin passes to new owner
- EDC to offer Welding 101 as part of Trades Training Initiative
- Call for candidates: Three-day special filing period for Lopez Metropolitan Park District commissioners
- Kick off the new year with a new role: Multiple county advisory board and committee seats open
- Telemedicine available from Lopez Clinic
- Community Water Taxi sends letter to legislators
Gear up for the 19th Annual Tour de Lopez
Submitted by event organizers.
Nail-biter Wins for Lobos Basketball
By Gene Helfman
OPALCO has rung the bell
Submitted by Bill Appel.
Local power generation: Why the Bailer Hill microgrid: Part 2 of 3
Submitted by the Orcas Power &Light Cooperative.
- Public Works Department moving forward converting million-dollar residence to industrial storage
- Feeding minds and bodies at home and abroad | Guest Column
- Immigration: the Nuts and Bolts of a Complex Issue | Guest Column
- Should we be subsidizing the profligate power consumption of mansion owners?
- Is McVeigh fit for Council?
- Partisanship of the SJC County Council is wrong | Guest Column