Vote to reelect Rick Hughes | Letter

“What can I do to help?”. Over the years of his tenure I’ve heard this question a number of times from Rick Hughes. It has always been a heartfelt offer of assistance regardless of the situation. And where he can he puts action to those words.

Rick works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for islander’s. He’s listens politely to all sides. Rick makes the effort to bring folks together, a growing challenge in our ever more divisive society. He tries to balance the needs of the community with the needs of business. And where the ideals or goals may be in opposition Rick works to bridge the gap to find a solution that works for everyone.

Rick demonstrates integrity and a commitment to our community. He’s willing to make the tough decisions in an effort to protect the community. He’s there with his sleeves rolled-up working beside us to get the job done.

Rick’s experience and knowledge of how government runs are critical to our county’s recovery from today’s challenges. Vote to reelect Rick Hughes.

Roxy Marck
