As summer turns to fall, many of us are cleaning out our closets and switching over to the warmer items in our wardrobe. Instead of shoving unwanted coats to the back of the closet, there might be a better use.
Many children and teens in the Northwest are in need of a warm winter coat for the months to come. Colleen Smith Armstrong is holding a coat drive for Lopez kids and homeless Seattle teens. She asks the Lopez community to donate any coats or sturdy sweaters that are clean and in good condition.
There is a handful of Lopez kids who are in “desperate need of a winter coat,” said Celia Marquis, executive director of the Lopez Island Family Resource Center.
After Lopez kids’ clothing needs are met, all the remaining coats will be given to YouthCare, a Seattle non-profit that provides assistance to homeless youth. Founded in 1974, YouthCare was the first shelter for homeless youth in the western United States and continues to be a leader in providing services to this vulnerable population. Beginning as a three-bed shelter for runaways, YouthCare has grown and expanded to become a community-based agency with six sites serving the greater Seattle area. It primarily serves ages 12 to 21.
“In April of this year we ran out of coats because no one anticipated the cold, wet rainy weather we got,” said May Leong, YouthCare’s director of development.
Coats of all sizes are needed, but there is a particular need for larger, adult sizes; men’s and women’s coats would be very appreciated. Clothing can be dropped off at Lopez Fresh, below the Lopez Family Resource Center’s office in Lopez Village. The drive will end on October 15. Doug James Floor Covering is providing use of its delivery truck to get the bags of clothing to Seattle.
For questions, please call 468-3960. For more information about YouthCare, visit