John and Carol Whetten receive Lopez Spirit Award

Submitted by Lopez Center.

You are invited to celebrate John and Carol Whetten, the 2023 Spirit Award recipients, at an ice cream social at the Lopez Community Center on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 2 p.m.

The Dolly and Andy Holland Spirit Award has been given since 2000 to a Lopez individual, couple or partners who consistently improve the lives of all Lopezians. The recipients give to the community in extraordinary ways and do so unselfishly, reliably, lovingly, with tolerance and integrity. They are often the community’s unsung heroes. John and Carol fit this description perfectly, often helping behind the scenes and wanting to stay out of the spotlight.

John and Carol first came to Lopez in 1966 on a bike tour with a 1-year-old in a backpack! They biked to Richardson Store and fell in love with the island. They bought property the next year and built a little cabin in 1973.

John was a Professor of Geology at UW and also worked for the US Geological Survey at one point mapping the geology of the San Juan Islands in a Boston Whaler rented from Ron Meng at IMC. He also played an essential role in scuttling a proposed nuclear power plant near Mount Vernon in the 1970s due to the seismic activity in our region.

After retiring in 1997 John and Carol moved part-time to Lopez and became fixtures in our community. Not only have they consistently volunteered for many of the islands’ most important organizations, but they’ve often brought along their kids, grandkids, and friends to help! They have volunteered for Hamlet House, Lopez Center, County Water Committee, Ferry Committee, 4th of July Salmon BBQ, San Juan Islands Preservation Trust, Lopez Island Community Fireworks, fruit gleaning program, Lopez Historical Society, Tour de Lopez, Union Cemetery, Lopez Community Land Trust, Tractor Parade, and Lopez Island Family Resource Center!

In 2004, it was Carol’s idea to start a Home Tour as a fundraiser for the Community Center. She had seen a home tour in Park City where they spent their winters and thought to bring the idea here. Jim Smith and Connie Harris joined in along with dozens of other volunteers. Since then, the Tour has raised close to half a million dollars for the Center and over 100 Lopezians have generously invited us into their homes and their lives. The funds provide vital support for the Community Center.

When Dixie Budke started the fruit-gleaning program in 2017, they were some of her first volunteers. “John and Carol did it all. They picked fruit, made gallons of fruit sauce, and whistled while they worked. Big picture kindness and action are at their core.”

The ice cream social will feature a slideshow, speakers, an opportunity to share a story or two, delicious ice cream and many toppings!