Men meet to stop violence

In a ground-breaking move to end violence, a small group of men gathered at the Lopez Library to tackle subjects that have long been silenced or ignored.

In a ground-breaking move to end violence, a small group of men gathered at the Lopez Library to tackle subjects that have long been silenced or ignored. At meetings held in February and March, verbal intimidation, bullying, domestic violence and sexual assault were discussed, with the focus on men’s roles in prevention.

“This is a man’s issue,” said Gordon Scott, who is interning with Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of the San Juan Islands. “Ninety-five percent of the perpetrators are men, so it’s up to us to break the chain through public awareness and action.”

At the first meetings, a few facts were established: Domestic violence is about power and control, not anger, with long-term effects on victims, families, and communities. Perpetrators resort to violence when they find themselves in situations they aren’t prepared for. Violence is a learned behavior. During the hour-long conversations, key questions surfaced: What are men doing in other communities? What tools can we teach our young men to help them stop and change?

“No one has a formula,” said Scott. “We’re all learning this together.”

In future meetings he hopes the group can identify men who will act as mentors for Lopez youth, as well as suggest community organizations on Lopez willing to provide statements of support for their work. The next meeting will be Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in the Lopez Library.