Thank you, Lopez blood donors!

On behalf of the patients in our community’s hospitals, Thank You! Thank you! Thank you! During the Lopez Island blood drive on December 9th, 40 donors slogged their way in through the rain and the damp of a cool Lopez December day to the blood drive collection center. And as a result, the Puget Sound Blood Center was able to collect 37 units of blood that will benefit up to 111 patients.

The December 9 blood drive was the last for the year. This year, the Puget Sound Blood Center registered a total of 217 donors and collected 186 units of blood during its blood drives on Lopez Island. Thank you again!!! The next blood drive on Lopez will be on Tuesday, March 17, 2009. So mark your calendars now to be a part of that life-saving event.

Special thanks to the Lopez Island Lions Club for their assistance and blood drive sponsorship and to the Community Church for providing the blood drive site.