The following is a clarification for the story about LOHO that ran in The Islands’ Weekly on March 25, 2008.
Upon admission to the Hamlet House Adult Family Home, Lopez Housing Options (LOHO) would prefer that residents be ambulatory or able to transfer themselves to their mobility aids such as a wheelchair or walker. However, as their health needs increase, they will continue to care for them and they can remain in the Adult Family Home. LOHO would likely need to add additional staff, and depending on the care necessary, the monthly fee may increase.
LOHO needs to be able to evacuate residents from the building in five minutes or less in case of an emergency, but with additional staff this could be accomplished regardless of mobility.
The mission of the Hamlet House is to provide a home in the caring island tradition for Lopez senior residents who no longer can live by themselves. LOHO will provide that care in the best way possible as long as they can meet their needs.