Leadership San Juan Islands (LSJI) will hold three open houses in October to recruit current and aspiring leaders for the Class of 2009. LSJI seeks candidates from all sectors of the community, from businesses and non-profits, to education and government.
The three open houses will take place as follows: Tuesday, Oct. 14, 5-7 p.m. at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor; Sunday, Oct. 19, 1-3 p.m. at the Heartwood House on Orcas Island (70 Langell Lane near Eastsound); and Tuesday, Oct. 21, 4:30-6 p.m. at the Lopez Library.
San Juan County, like many communities across the country, is taking the initiative to develop its own network of home-grown leaders through LSJI, and 2009 will mark its fifth year of seminars designed to educate and motivate the islands’ current and aspiring leaders of today and tomorrow. LSJI is searching for adults who would like to develop their professional leadership skills while learning more about issues facing the San Juan Islands within our “systems” of governance, education, economics, environment, social/community health and history/culture.
A total of six, Friday “challenge days,” plus two weekend retreats, will be held January through May 2009. Applicants must be capable of communicating via email and be prepared to commit to a significant public service project upon graduation.
Deadline for applications is November 7. For further information or to download an application see www.leadershipsanjuanislands.org or call Cynthia Stark-Wickman, Program Coordinator, 378-9683 or 370-5470 (evenings).