The Lopez Summer Workshops brochures for the Lopez Island Family Resource Center have been mailed. Anyone who has a mailing address or a P.O. Box on Lopez Island should have received one. They also sent out brochures to anyone who has participated in previous summer workshops. Summer classes are also available online at the website Submit registration and fees early to reserve your slot. Classes have a limited space and can fill up quickly. Look for brochures at these locations; the LIFRC office, LVM, Library, Holly B’s, Islandale Store, and the Ferry Landing.
LIFRC Summer Workshop Reminder:
The Lopez Summer Workshops brochures for the Lopez Island Family Resource Center have been mailed. Anyone who has a mailing address or a P.O. Box on Lopez Island should have received one. They also sent out brochures to anyone who has participated in previous summer workshops. Summer classes are also available online at the website Submit registration and fees early to reserve your slot. Classes have a limited space and can fill up quickly. Look for brochures at these locations; the LIFRC office, LVM, Library, Holly B’s, Islandale Store, and the Ferry Landing.