United Way Day of Caring gearing up to “Polish the Rock”


On Saturday September 12, United Way of San Juan County is sponsoring its annual Day of Caring, which provides residents an opportunity to participate in community-initiated service projects on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands. Lopez is benefiting from an island-wide clean-up campaign in a collaborative partnership of staff and volunteers from San Juan County Land Bank, San Juan County Parks Department, Washington State Parks Department, Bureau of Land Management, Lopez Chamber of Commerce and Lopez Island Family Resource Center. The Day of Caring provides an opportunity for Lopez residents to contribute their time towards keeping our island home beautiful.

All of the participating organizations share in the huge task of maintaining the far-flung lands under their management. These agencies, as well as the community, all benefit from an organized clean-up effort by caring community volunteers.

“I love facilitating community service projects like this,” Nick Teague of the Bureau of Land Management (Spokane District), commented. “It’s one of the best parts of my job to get folks working together to give back to the land, and having fun in the process.”

Clean-up sites for the Day of Caring include Weeks Wetland, Odlin County Park, Spencer Spit State Park, Southeast Lopez beach site, and Lopez Village.

The Day of Caring also coincides with United Way’s annual donor campaign.

“Many people don’t realize that 99% of the funds donated to San Juan County United Way remains right here in our county,” board member Danah Feldman said. “United Way funds going to support services on Lopez are distributed through our Family Resource Center. A major recipient of funds is Lopez Island Family Resource Center. One of their projects is the Lopez Mentor Program; it has been so successful it has been used as a model on other islands.”

Volunteer registration for the event will be between 9:45 and 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, September 12 near the water tower on the Village green. Participants are asked to bring their own work gloves, sturdy shoes, water and their own snacks or lunch. Other suggestions are sunscreen, hats, day packs, long pants, and any personal items such as bee sting kits. Bottled water and safety vests will be provided at registration. The project will end about 2 p.m.

For information about the Day of Caring or advance registration, call Lopez Board member Meg Singer at 468-4033. If you want to participate but can’t be there for the on-site registration, please call Meg before Saturday to make alternate arrangements. Donations are welcome. For more information about San Juan County United Way or becoming a United Way donor, you may call Director Bonnie Gilmore at 378-4121.