Letter to San Juan County Council Members | Letter

Good grief, don't pay ‘em another dime! Weren’t Adamus, Herrera, et.al., hired to present scientifically substantiated findings/BAS that bear some reasonable relationship to San Juan County? Then how is it that Herrera turned out the most negative report on "paradise" to ever see the light of day? All we have to do is look around this beautiful county to know that this is preposterous. Makes one think that the folks that wrote this dubious tome need a high colonic.

Good grief, don’t pay ‘em another dime! Weren’t Adamus, Herrera, et.al., hired to present scientifically substantiated findings/BAS that bear some reasonable relationship to San Juan County? Then how is it that Herrera turned out the most negative report on “paradise” to ever see the light of day? All we have to do is look around this beautiful county to know that this is preposterous. Makes one think that the folks that wrote this dubious tome need a high colonic.

Oh dear! Are we to live in fear of every risk associated with living on this earth? The airstrip about to disappear into a sinkhole; the Tsunami that’s overdue? What about that slip fault around Whidbey Island that hasn’t slipped in a while–faults that haven’t slipped in a while are prone to slip —maybe tomorrow! Holy Endangered Bat Cave! That’s old news, probably not BAS, and certainly not exact science. Every possible negative tidbit of data thrown into the pot so our county is cast as being in dire need of major new controls and expanded regulation—all to the detriment of the quiet enjoyment of ALL of our land. Hummm — don’t worry, be happy — do whatever DOE says and everything will turn out just fine. NOT.

Where is their proof of measurable pollution in San Juan County that’s deserving of the draconian new regulations put forth by these “experts?” What’s with these “professionals” who won’t correct even the most glaring of errors being pointed out by the public in their work? Please — tell them: “No thanks, not what we expected, not gonna use it, and not gonna pay another dime for it. Oh, and don’t let the screen door hit you on your way out.” Bat the ball into their court. Be obnoxious — throw a shoe. These “experts” have turned our county into the pit stop tire change between the powers that be — the consultants and the DOE. Wake up and smell the burning rubber: We’ve been duped.

This whole CAO issue is awaking forces beyond what most of us could have contemplated. Please don’t mess this up anymore than it already has been. Instead, stop doing business with these money pits and begin doing the right thing for San Juan County.

Shari Harrison

San Juan Island