We offered her reimbursement for her trip and explained how she can seek reimbursement for the expenses she says she incurred. She has not contacted us in return.
The Quiet Skies group asks that the Navy follow the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act in conducting their ongoing Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
More than two hundred years ago this country decided it had had enough of the heavy handed tactics of the ruling country and take action.
I could go on and point out that authority comes from right reason, not the other way ‘round, and that the cost of moving the “Naval” base to Nevada
I am responding to the letter from Lopezian James Brady in the Weekly’s Aug. 12 issue. When I moved to the islands there was one ferry that took two trips to the mainland and two back each day.
I was stranded while traveling alone, on foot, in Sidney, B.C. on Friday, July 11, when someone at Washington State Ferries made the decision to cancel the only sailing to Friday Harbor rather than replace the ailing M/V Chelan with the M/V Elwha.
From Lincoln Center to Lopez Center. That was the route of the Pablo Ziegler Classical Tango Quartet who played to a full Lopez Center audience on Aug. 10.
It’s that time of year again – United Way of San Juan County has placed cans around town for your spare change to help friends and neighbors in need.
Due to time constraints at the upcoming Starry Nights of Lopez Arts Celebration at the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts on Aug. 30, Lopez artist, Steve Hill will be confining his talk to a brief early history of Grayling Gallery (1973-75) as one of the 3 original founding partners.
A huge thank you to all the wonderful Lopezians who made our summer on Lopez a complete success. What an incredible island and such a warm, welcoming community you live in.
The Lopez Island Conservation Corps thanks United Way of San Juan County for supporting our summer youth program.
During the 4 of July parade, a group protesting jet noise from NAS Whidbey participated. When they passed, my wife and me, both navy vets, we gave them the thumbs down sign, without further comment. One of the members of the group came up and stuck his boombox in my face while we exchanged pleasantries.
Thank you Marjorie Roe for your letter to the editor in the July 22 edition of the Lopez Island Weekly, with regard to Whidbey Island Naval Air Station air traffic. It is a thoughtful article and I agree with your comments. Thank you for your service.