I vigorously oppose the Feb. 11 unilateral passage by Councilmen Hughes and Stephens of an amendment to the Critical Areas Ordinance that would increase a so-called fish and wildlife habitat critical habitat area – the shoreline – from 110 feet to 200 feet.
Comfy home, good health care, freedom to worship as you please, good schools and a safe community? Is there a feeling of pride when we declare we are American?
25 years ago, the Exxon Valdez hit a reef and leaked oil that covered an area 25 times the size of San Juan County waters, devastating the Alaskan ecology and economy.
(Below is an open letter to Washington state senators by Friday Harbor Mayor Carrie Lacher, seeking support on a bill that would help fund construction of a new ferry).
I am deeply concerned by the proposed expansion of Canada’s Trans Mountain pipeline and the resulting increase in oil tanker traffic that would occur in the restricted waters adjacent to the San Juan Islands.
At the recent local meeting concerning the jet noise problem a lot of valuable information was presented. Studies about the effects of noise on the human body were cited.
The Christmas Eve Hayride has been of concern to many in our community. After a thorough review of the information available, interviews of several witnesses and parties involved in the event, and discussions with other law enforcement agency executives I have come to several conclusions.
The Lopez School administration and board of directors would like to express our deep appreciation for the strong show of support demonstrated by the initial results of the Feb. 11 election and the strong approval of the M&O Replacement School Levy.
“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself” John Dewey, American philosopher and educator. These words ring true for me.
After enjoying a slight respite from jet noise last autumn, it seems in the past few weeks the jets are back in full force, and seem to be louder than ever. I just found out the reason.
When I joined the military the first thing I was told was “this is not a democracy, you do as you’re told and do not ask questions.” I fear the longer one lives under this mantra the more it becomes a mindset. Witness the atrocities committed in the name of “just following orders.”
We, as high school seniors, support the Lopez Island School and its methods of education. We feel that the staff of this school does its best to provide us, the students, with the tools that we need to succeed in the future.
The Lopez School District’s replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy (M&O levy) will be on the Feb. 11 ballot that we will receive in our mailboxes next week. This levy replaces the current 4 year levy that expires at the end of 2014.