Paulsen for council | Letter

I am voting for Justin Paulsen for San Juan County Council because he walks the talk.

I work with Justin in the Community Water Taxi Group. He not only listens – but also considers information and opinions offered.

Justin speaks succinctly, offers to do the hard, time-consuming tasks, and follows through. When the results of his efforts bring positive results, he gives credit to the team.

Justin Paulsen has been working for the good of our community, networking with county and state officials for years on his own time, and doing it well. He has shown us his ability to find and implement solutions for San Juan County and its residents. It is time to give him the title, the credentials, and the compensation he deserves.

Let’s not go back. Please join me in voting for Justin Paulsen for County Council. Our Island Community will benefit greatly from his energy, knowledge and talents when he becomes our representative.

Sandy Playa

Orcas Island