The voters of Washington State passed Proposition 90, the Sex Education Bill, by 53 percent. I wonder how many people have actually read the curriculum, and what it entails? I was horrified when I read through it. The curriculum is taught to kindergartners through high school students. The wording for this bill sounded innocuous in the voters’ pamphlet, however, when reading the website, you will find the truth about this bill. It is psychological sexual abuse, teaching children as young as five years old information about their bodies that parents are expected to educate, according to the child’s emotional development. The curriculum sexualizes children at a young age, at far younger ages than they would normally become sexually curious. It also casualizes the sex act, and frankly, some of the information is dangerously incorrect.
The Informed Parents of Washington website contains a statement from a retired WA State Police Officer who was a child sex crime investigator. He states that the curricula follow the same sexualization principles that sex offenders use.
Please read this website, and let’s get this law repealed.
Spirit Eagle
Orcas Island