We are supporting the Lopez School Bond initiative. We understand the bond initiative is for the physical plant only, a plant that is in dire need of updating, that will provide the environment we all so desire for our educators, staff and students.
Our personal situation is slightly different than most. Because our school aged grandson lives with us, we have become well acquainted with Lopez School. We have attended activities both inside and outside the school: sporting events, fundraisers, school conferences, as well as numerous school meetings. With this building renovation, $750,000 would be saved in energy costs alone. Wouldn’t we rather use those monies for our students than for electricity?
Currently our board voted to move ahead with Option 3, a total building remodel. This choice is the “best bang for the buck” as all issues needing to be addressed will be addressed. By placing a sprinkler system in the classrooms and gym, proper outside lighting, updated kitchen facilities, as well as other safe and pertinent remodeling, it only makes sense to approve this bond now as interest rates are low (2.3 percent) and before construction rates go up. Well worth noting as of 3/11/13, Lopez School has been awarded over a million dollars in grant money to be applied to the proposed remodel. By voting “yes” for the bond issue, we can be assured these monies will be utilized as the grants stipulated, for the current bond initiative, or we will lose those grants.
Everyone knows that when a school deteriorates physically and becomes unattractive and unsafe, the entire community suffers. As goes the school, so goes the community. We all want what is best for our children. We urge you to vote “Yes” for the Lopez School Bond Issue. If you have questions concerning the bond, plan to attend any of the informational meetings being offered by our very competent school board and staff. Knowing the facts will help you make an intelligent decision. Vote “yes” for our children and our community on April 23.
Gordon and Karen Jonasson
Lopez Island