Thank you for the music | Letter

Thank you to all Lopez music lovers for bringing the Miró Quartet to Lopez Island on Aug. 10 for the 15th annual Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival.

Thank you to all Lopez music lovers for bringing the Miró Quartet to Lopez Island on Aug. 10 for the 15th annual Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival.

They loved Lopez, especially Grace Church and the KLOI Studio, and they are still talking about the warmth and musical sensitivity of the Lopezians they met and talked with that night. You packed the church with a full house for them, and responded to their chamber music with wonderful attention and enchantment. From the roof-raising response to their unexpected encore of Orange Blossom Special, anyone can agree the evening was an outstanding success!

To listen to their pre-concert interview with Gary Alexander at KLOI, check the KLOI archives at and watch the quartet’s website, Thanks for the successful event are due entirely to the concert’s Lopez Island sponsors Rick Strachan and Ginni Keith, along with 33 co-sponsors and 18 hard-working volunteers.

Many concert attendees asked if a similar Lopez program can be repeated next August during the 2013 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival. I am told that the decision rests with the music festival’s board of directors, who would like to hear comments from the first-time Lopez audience. Please jot your thoughts and suggestions down and leave them for Micki Ryan at the Lopez Library’s “post office” box behind the check-out desk, or email them to

Comments will be compiled and provided to Executive Director Victoria Parker who will make the presentation to the board. As many commented that night, perhaps this was the first annual Lopez Concert of the summer Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival!


Micki Ryan

Lopez Island