Think Twice!!

Before voting, everyone should be aware of some facts and a pattern of behavior inherent in Kari McVeigh, as evidenced by the following lawsuit and news article related to TWO back-to-back employment departures from TWO DIFFERENT school districts.

First, the legal decision cited below is from an appeal of a lawsuit that was filed against the BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT where Kari McVeigh was employed as superintendent and turned a blind eye to the actions of Christianson, as planning Director of the school system. Christensen’s compensation went from 113,000 a year to millions of dollars after she managed to convince the district that she could perform the same duties acting as an independent contractor through her wholly owned LLC. Payments to Christensen‘s LLC, Strategic LLC became out of control to the tune of millions of dollars, particularly after Christensen convinced McVeigh and the school board to pass a $300 million dollar bond. When the district tried to terminate her, she sued and won even more money from the school district.

The trial court awarded Strategic $4,310,660 in prejudgment interest pursuant to Civil Code section 3287, subdivision (b), and $2.3 million contractual attorney fees. The total judgment is $20,321,169. It was overturned on appeal after McVeigh “retired,” essentially walking away from the problem in 2008, and leaving the district with the deficit, the fallout, and stress of an appeal for 10 years, as the appeal wasn’t decided until 2018.

This, voters, IS FROM A LEGAL RECORD, not a news article. The upsetting aspect of this legal record and action is that there was little or no supervision on McVeigh’s watch. That is not the type of oversight, control, of resources that we want for our county.

Anyone in a fiduciary role be it as superintendent of a school district or County Council must not have even the appearance of impropriety. This lack of oversight, whether complicit or not is unacceptable in the position of County Council.

Do we really want this type of financial and personnel maneuvering in our County Council?

New Haven Superintendent Kari McVeigh leaving school district, citing differences with board

Lisa DesJardins,

San Juan Island