Yes for Homes | Letters

Full of motivation and good-will, 15 plus people recently met on Lopez Island to advocate for more housing. For too long, our neighbors and fellow islanders have had to worry about shelter: not knowing if they will have a warm, safe bed to sleep in. A group of people headed by Anne Hall and Scott Finley are working with groups on other San Juan islands to change that – to make sure hard working households have their basic needs met.

Relatively new to Lopez Island, I’ve been fortunate to find good rentals. I’ve also met many who are left couch surfing, stranded in cars or trying to winter it through at a campground. I’ve also seen substandard housing offered at premium rental prices. Shelter should be a safe, affordable and usable home.

We’re hoping the word gets out! The oversight and management of the funds will be accomplished by San Juan County Health and Community Services. Money will come from an excise tax (not a property tax). Funds to build more homes and rentals could be available as soon as the second half of 2019. More information can be found at

I hope people will learn about, and vote for, the YES for Homes ballot initiative on November 6th. Contact Yes for Homes if you want to learn more. Get involved and add your voice to ours.


Brenda M. Asterino

Lopez Island