Books needed for book sale

The Friends of the Lopez Island Library need books in good condition to sell at the Friday, Nov. 27 Book Sale. Please take this opportunity to go through your bookcases, boxes, closets, kids rooms, storage shelves, and other hiding places to find good books to donate to this great event. The proceeds from the Book Sale benefit the library in many areas, including funding numerous children’s programs, such as the BookIt performances, the annual Teddy Bear Picnic, the summer reading program’s Book Bucks, and Read to a Dog. The Friends also fund author visits, purchase needed equipment and supplies, and provide a scholarship for the summer intern position. In addition, library volunteers are honored each year by having a book purchased for the library in their name with a recognition bookplate inside the cover page.

Your donations are appreciated! Please bring your books, CDs, and DVDs in bags or boxes to the library. The Friends of Lopez Island Library thank you in advance for your help.