By Triana J. Elan
September 7 – 13, 2009
Let’s Not Borrow Trouble
We’re now into the retrograde Mercury cycle, but let’s not just throw our hands in the air and expect trouble. We can deal with whatever occurs, using prudence, experience and wisdom. If we encounter something we’ve never had to deal with before, we must remember that none of us is outside the range of human experience in terms of whatever goes wrong. Methodologies and modalities change, tools and toys change, but the human condition, in general, doesn’t change. While I know my beloved islands strive for spirituality and community ideals, things get in the way (usually ourselves) to reveal flaws in our methods or thinking. This is one of those times. The remainder of this month will be pretty revealing, because in addition to Mercury being retrograde, transformative Pluto comes out of a long retrograde (since April) and blows the hinges off of stagnancy with a command to take stock of our own lives.
If we are continually in a fearful mentality, we completely lost track of the present moment and what is has to offer. Our thinking must change. Greed must leave. Greed and fear walk hand in hand, and while many have lost assets, jobs and homes in this messy situation that was created by greed in the first place, let’s remember that our decisions have led us to where we are now. Things happen in life, risks are taken, and sometimes we win or lose. Now is a time to come together, to enjoy each other, to cherish friends and the bonds of love.
Like all of you, I am sick and tired of nothing but bad news. It’s time to answer Pluto’s call and take the helm of our own boat, and listen to the wind.
Aries (March 21- April 19): This will be an interesting week, what with Mercury freshly retrograde in your sector of relationships and Pluto going direct in your sector of career in the same week! You are more than ready to take the reins of control, but before you do, know what you are dealing with. Remember, this won’t be the best month to push forward. Treading water may be better, along with focusing on what means a lot to you.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of work and health. This week, transformative Pluto goes comes out of a long retrograde in your sector of expansion and travel. This is a good time to do research, troubleshoot, tie up loose ends. It will be a goofy month for just about everyone, so put one dainty hoof in front of the other and enjoy the sweet clover when you find it, but don’t expect anyone to bring it to you. If they do, it’s a wonderful surprise!
Gemini (May 21- June 20): Your Ruler Mercury is now retrograde, and this will cause the usual upheavals in your sector of creative expression/children. Don’t be surprised by loads of distractions and forgetfulness. Your mind does have the tendency to scatter and derail at the slightest provocation, so use your coping skills. Don’t forget what you know! Pluto comes out of a long retrograde in your sector of intimacy, and whatever it is you share with another whether it is love or money will be changing yet again. Dance with it all!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): You are likely to be flying off the handle this week due to Mercury being retrograde in your sector of Home. You are a reactionary sign, but for your own sake, calm down! If you meditate regularly or have other de-stressing skills, use them liberally! Pluto comes out of a long retrograde in your sector of relationships and will work its magic in that area, so support will be yours for the taking if you can manage your emotions.
Leo (July 23 – August 22): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of communications, making it likely that nobody will understand anything you are trying to say. Well, it actually goes both ways, as you will also have difficulty understanding others. Breathe, walk, shake it off. Pluto comes to your aid now, coming out of a long retrograde in your sector of work and health, so expect some good news on the work front. Focus on the many things that go right in any day!
Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of finances. Oops! You may have to replace something critical, but if you can live without it until the end of the month, hold off. Electronics and mechanical things are vulnerable. If your car breaks, repair it rather than replace it just now. The good news is, transformative Pluto comes out of a long retrograde this week, reactivating transformative energy in your sector of creativity/children! See? It’s not so bad.
Libra (September 22 – October 23): Well now, Mercury is retrograde in your sign. Don’t be surprised if you have self-doubts, trouble with your relationship or other crazy-making stuff this month. You are very oriented toward others, and you get your feelings hurt easily if you feel rejected in any way. So, focus on yourself. Be better. Feel better. With transformative Pluto coming out of a long retrograde in your sector of Home this week, you might have a great time painting some walls, putting in tiles or doing something really crazy to redecorate!
Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Endings/New Beginnings. Something you are trying to button up may come unzipped; don’t blow your cork over it. You are a natural and intuitive problem solver and can deal with it. Your Ruler Pluto brings fresh transformative energy in your sector of thinking/communicating/short trips, and you will feel the effect of its awakening from a long retrograde almost immediately. You are fearless, I don’t worry about you!
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Changing plans and implementing Plan B and C and plans that aren’t even in the alphabet will bring you adventures you couldn’t make up in your wildest imagination! Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of Friends/Goals. Lower your expectations and heighten your sense of wanting to learn! Now here is the really good news…transformative Pluto goes direct in your sector of money. After a long retrograde, Pluto’s influence will jump to your aid financially, giving you exactly what you need when you need it. Don’t forget to be grateful!
Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Whoa. Mighty, transformative Pluto comes out of a long retrograde in your sign this week. You will feel this almost immediately, and it will bring great relief! This comes just in time, because Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of career. This will be an excellent time to reevaluate your skills, tie up loose ends in terms of work, and do the necessary research to put yourself in a better position. Climb to the heights while keeping your eye on the prize!
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): Mercury is now retrograde in your sector of travel/higher education/expansion. Its weak signals might get garbled enough for you to really put your foot in it, so refrain from opening your mouth before engaging your brain! This will save you and everyone else a lot of hassle. Transformative Pluto is now reactivating in your sector of Endings/New Beginnings. You are going to be a very busy Water-Bearer this month, so set your priorities and let the breeze blow through you!
Pisces (February 21 – March 20): So now Mercury is retrograde in your sector of things shared. Its weak signals may cause you to misinterpret what someone else is saying, so be sure you hear what is being said. Amazing isn’t it, how two people speaking the same language can continually misunderstand each other? The awesome thing is, mighty Pluto comes out of a long retrograde this week in your sector of Friendships/Goals, and this fresh blast of transformative energy will help you make order in ways you didn’t expect. Be happy!