Leveling Off
(Trying to)
Well, as predicted, this year has begun in such a state that many just aren’t sure what to do, where to go, or what station to tune into. Mercury’s retrograde ended with a real (literal) shakeup, leaving many in its wake.
This week we will see a glorious Full Moon in the sign of noble Leo, and it will not be eclipsed or doing anything weird. It will be a normal and friendly Full Moon, one to light the inner fires and engage in what is tried and true.
We continue to be forced further within ourselves as this period unceremoniously eliminates what is weak or broken. Are we getting used to it yet? What do we truly have in this life? Ourselves. What else? Each other, however temporary or permanent. Every day we are being reminded of how ephemeral the outer world is, but it is still beautiful and we are still mighty in spirit.
We are being shown our own faulty thinking, and we must work to forgive ourselves and correct our personal courses. Only by doing that can the collective recover. But this is a tall order because now we are fully aware that everything is interconnected, for better or for worse. But dance we must, because this is a time of dynamic forces, not static ones.
Aries (March 21- April 19): The recent planetary shifts should be taking an effect on you now; what was obscure is clear, what was too far is now within reach and your energy level is rising. The Sun has joined esteem-building Venus and imaginative Neptune in your sector of Friendships/Goals. This is also the sector of “hidden enemies,” so if you have been engaging in something or someone you thought you could trust, this may be the time you discover you cannot. In general though, things appear to be settling down so take advantage of it!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): With loads of activity going on in your sector of career, the ground may be shifting under your feet. Fortunately, benevolent Jupiter has settled into soothing Pisces in your sector of Goals/Friends, so if you need a shoulder to cry on you will have many, and maybe even a leg up or two! Keep your noble nose in your own business and don’t engage with riffraff and conflict. You need peace and tranquility to put your focus where it needs to be. You’ll be glad you did!
Gemini (May 21- June 20): Benevolent Jupiter in your sector of career is already working to your advantage. If you are looking for work, keep networking and putting out an effort. It will happen! Your sector of expansion/travel/higher education is lit up with the Sun, Venus and Neptune igniting electrical energy you need to get your brain working in a focused and disciplined way. Pick a direction and go in it! Stay the course and don’t get scattered by irrelevant thoughts.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This week Jupiter is settling nicely in your companion water sign Pisces. This beams compassion and a depth of spirituality to you from your sector of Expansion/Spirituality. Your faith will be restored this year if you practice your spirituality with diligence and earnestness. The ruckus is in your sector of intimacy/shared assets; the Sun has joined powerful Venus and illusive Neptune in that sector. Watch your step regarding other people’s money!
Leo (July 23 – August 22): Your sector of relationship is lit up and electrified with the Sun, Venus and Neptune moving through. Neptune has been the longest transit and has affected this sector for you for the past few years. This period of time is one of reckoning, coming to terms with who you are in relation to who you are with and where the dividing line is. This particular week holds enormous power for you personally, so use it well! Jupiter is happily settled in your sector of intimacy/shared assets, sending you signals of comfort and benevolence.
Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Jupiter in your sector of relationship brings its compassion and expansive nature now; if your relationship is in trouble, now is the time to bring it out of crisis and work on it, with help. If all is well, then it only gets better from here! Your sector of work and health is very active now with the Sun, Venus and Neptune (who has been there for years) moving through and touching every aspect. You or someone you love or a pet may have a health issue come up, or you may suddenly receive information about an innovative way to improve your vocation. This is a time of great variety for you. Explore!
Libra (September 22 – October 23): You have plenty of impetus now as three planets occupy your sector of creative expression/children/love affairs. While Saturn is stalled out in your sign, you can focus on effective strategies and innovative ways to make your life better on any level. It’s up to you. Jupiter’s presence in your sector of work and health relieves the stresses that were there previously, and this area of your life is likely to greatly improve. This week has good stuff in store for you, most likely unexpected and very welcome!
Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Now there are three planets in your sector of Home, emphasizing your need for solitude and soul-searching. Jupiter is now happily ensconced in your sector of creative expression, so you may be drawing on innovative ways to make your environment more reflective of who you are. As the winter storms come and go, you are diving deep for that stable place that helps you maintain your center. Others around you rely on your ability to see the substance beneath the images, but be careful not to fool yourself!
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Now that your Ruler Jupiter is settled for its tour in your sector of Home, you get to regain stability after the crazy transit of Uranus through that sector over the past few years. Jupiter will bring you the soothing comfort you have been craving and you will be able to find your feet again. Your sector of communication/thinking is lit up with the presence of three planets, and you will be able to use different and innovative ways to get ahead where before you were stalled out. Be careful with money though. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched!
Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Your sector of money is electrified with three planets now transiting through it and you stand to make some real gains now if you make use of new methods and think outside the box. It may be a struggle for you, but with Pluto in your sign pushing you to reinvent yourself, stay on the bright side and explore the new terrain! Soothing Jupiter in your sector of communicating/thinking is helping your nerves calm down, and this is a great thing for you since your nerves do get rattled if you are in the company of idiots for too long.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): It’s your time of year, and a total of three planets are moving through your sign. You are energized, but at the same time reflective and somewhat self-focused. Jupiter in your sector of money will give you the boost to gain some way, so this is your time to map it out and make it happen. There are ways you’ve been stuck but the fluid movement in the Heavens now will get you unstuck and moving again. Be happy!
Pisces (February 21 – March 20): You should be feeling the full effects of Jupiter in your sign, and Jupiter likes being in your sign because his effects find their own level and are very broad-based. You are going through some major shifts and changes with three planets now transiting your sector of Endings/New Beginnings (and self-undoing). You are able to find a new strength and make it your own, and any act of compassion on your part will be returned manifold as the year progresses. Be yourself, because you only get Jupiter in your sign once every twelve years!.