By Triana J. Elan
July 6 – 12, 2009
Eclipses on the Way
As we move into the busiest time of the year in terms of tourism business, we have two ground-breaking events happening. First is Tuesday’s partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. This eclipse will have a profound effect on all of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) first and foremost because of the Moon’s placement. Eclipses herald profound changes driven by the unconscious or by invisible forces and these changes can and do create strong emotional reactions. Due to this eclipse’s favorable aspect to Saturn the Disciplinarian, expect controlled implosions that will yield clean results. Powerful stuff!
The only short lasting but powerful aspect is fiery Mars’ square to benevolent Jupiter (currently retrograde). This could trigger very ungrateful reactions to extended helping hands and a stubborn refusal to negotiate. The stresses of this aspect are short-lived due to Mars’ speed of transit, but a temper tantrum created during this time will have long-lasting effects, so let’s do the time out thing instead of flying into someone’s face unless it is absolutely necessary. Motto: Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Aries (March 21- April 19): As we hurtle toward the big weekend, take note that swift-thinking Mercury will form an opposition with transformative Pluto across your sectors of Home and Career. If you were born within five days of April 15, you will feel this very strongly. This week will be a time of frenetic communication and a lot of going back to the drawing board as things change, plans change and you change. Steady as she goes!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): An opposition between Mercury and Pluto form across your sectors of Communication and Expansion. This could signify many things, but for sure something regarding an old idea will be the manifestation of this opposition, and it could very well be that you discover a new avenue altogether. This week will be packed with stuff, and you will need to move at a trot, well above your comfortable ambling pace. You’ll enjoy it, though!
Gemini (May 21- June 20): Your Ruler Mercury forms a powerful opposition with transformative Pluto when moving into your sector of finances; this week will be wild and fast, with all kinds of things to choose from and you with the feeling that something within you is changing. Your reactions/responses to circumstances or people will be different as you ponder the cosmos and how to fit within it comfortably.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): As it moves into your sign, Mercury forms an opposition with transformative Pluto at midweek, propelling you into some soul-searching. This is the big summer weekend, and you may feel a bit at odds with what is going on around you; however, this will be a great time to observe and practice objectivity. With all that is going on, you will be moving at a fast pace and doing a lot of socializing, but a deeper awareness is there in you; move with it.
Leo (July 23 – August 22): There are some pretty darned amazing aspects going on, and you are one to feel them. Try not to resist too much, because this time is all about nothing less than a radical transformation. For this week, you would do well to minimize incoming information as much as possible unless it is necessary. You don’t want to get overloaded and go diving into your den and miss all the fun!
Virgo (August 23 – September 21): This week, Mercury forms an opposition with Pluto on Wednesday, in your sectors of goals/friendships and creativity. This will give you pause as you consider your next steps, even though this weekend is the big celebration. Your head is thinking overtime now, but that will calm down as the week progresses and you ease into the festivities. You Earth Mother/Father types may get wound up by an issue taking place at close range, but research will help you better understand what you are dealing with.
Libra (September 22 – October 23): You may not know quite what to make of this week as Mercury in your sector of career opposes transformative Pluto in your sector of Home; could be that you run into an old colleague or that you revamp your work space. At any rate, this is a powerful week full of intense aspects leading up to the big weekend, so remember that you can’t please everybody. Just have a good time, imbibe a little if you are old enough and so inclined, and relax into the fun.
Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Mercury in your sector of expansion opposes your Ruler Pluto in your sector of communication. This paves the way for a completely new and different way of thinking about things, and as we move to celebrate our independence from the Mother Country, it’s a good time to free yourself from something that hasn’t been good for you. In general, an aspect like this can set off arguments, but with you, it will be an opportunity to glean new information.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): What an amazing time! Communicative Mercury in your sector of intimacy opposes transformative Pluto in your sector of finances/self-worth. This should make for an interesting week of introspection as well as a lot of talking and planning about the immediate future. You don’t live “in the now” very well because Sagittarius is all about the future. But July is fixing to be yet another amazing month, so go watch the fireworks and have a great time on the 4th!
Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Pluto in your sign opposes fast-thinking Mercury in your sector of relationship, so this should be a week of real progress in that direction. There is a lot of action going on in the heavens this week, and you get to have a good chunk of it coming your way since you are respected for your point of view and perspective. This should be a rousing week for you, culminating in the big celebration at the weekend and all the fun and crazy stuff that goes with it!
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): This week holds so many things happening at the same time, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to bash everyone with your magic wand before collapsing in a corner to howl. Of course this is an exaggeration (or not)! Mercury moves into your sector of Health/Work and opposes transformative Pluto in your sector of New Beginnings. This is an opportunity perhaps disguised as a challenge that will pique your interest! Enjoy it and have a terrific 4th of July weekend!
Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Swift-thinking Mercury moves into an opposition with transformative Pluto this week, in your sectors of creativity and friendships. There is a definite tie-in here, since you resonate well with other creative thinkers that can draw you out and give you inspiration. As we roar toward the big weekend, you will find yourself agog at the ways you have changed, and you’ll be able to wear your new self to the barbecue! Woo hoo!