Submitted by the Lopez Island Community Scholarship Foundation.
The Lopez Island Community Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce that applications for 2025 graduates are now available on the LICSF website,, in English and Spanish. The deadline for all application materials is April 28.
LICSF was created to provide scholarship opportunities for students who are residents of Lopez, Decatur and Center islands — no matter which school they attend — to help them attain their post-secondary educational and career goals.
LICSF offers two types of scholarships: one for two- or four-year academic institutions, and one for career and technical education/training.
LICSF is unique in supporting students to achieve success, no matter what educational experience they choose, by providing financial support and matching the student with an advocate to offer an extra level of mentorship.
LICSF encourages the families of all students graduating from Lopez, Decatur and Center islands in June to visit and see how LICSF might help your special student to open their life’s next chapter.