The Lopez Island School District is pleased to be hosting NASA astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper on Wednesday, Jan. 17. Stefanyshyn-Piper flew on two NASA shuttle flights and will share her experiences through classroom visits and a K-12 assembly where she will give a talk accompanied by a slideshow and followed by a Q&A session. The assembly will be held at 1 p.m. in the Lopez School Gym, and the community is welcome to attend.
This opportunity is possible through the personal invite of one of the elementary parents, Sara Waugh.
“My daughter and partner and I were lucky to see Heide speak at a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fair at the Cascade Mall, and I was impressed by her story and inspiring career. I am so glad she is able to come to Lopez. She is a reminder to all of us of the vast possibilities life offers, and she is an amazing role model for our youth!” Stefanyshyn-Piper’s visit was coordinated by the Lopez Island High School Principal Dave Sather. Sather acknowledges, “Having Piper speak demonstrates a message of inspiration to all our students.”