This summer, the Family Resource Center is offering you the perfect way to cool off. The highlights of this year’s schedule of summer classes has a decidedly nautical air.
“His family had horses,” said Anne Worley, “and my family had boats.”
Please Fasten Your Seat Belts. The Grand Acceleration Begins Now.
The Orcas Island Writers Festival will host a one-day writer’s retreat workshop with Deb Lund.
A unique musical event featuring two first-time performers on the Lopez Center stage, along with Kevin Dengler and the Sheet Metal Blues band, will kick off at 6:30 p.m. May 29. Admission is free. The program entitled “A Beautiful Gift: Celebrating Our Senior Hamlet” was the brainchild of Terry Wean, better known on Lopez as a stone mason rather than an accomplished guitar vocalist and song writer.
Lopez musician Ginni Keith has an idea, and she needs your input.
On May 23, soprano Sharon Abreu will perform on Lopez accompanied by pianist Marianne Lewis. The program will include opera arias by Mozart, Puccini, Handle and Dvorak, songs with music by Barber and Copland and poetry by Emily Dickinson and W.B. Yeats.
And So We Move On…
Summer is coming and the reading is easy – if you know where your library is. Just a reminder, there are no limits on number of books you can check out or number of times you can renew a book, CD, or magazine. The big thing is that if the item is on hold for someone else, get that returned pronto to avoid having your record blocked and making your neighbor wait for what is a shared community resource. End of lecture!
Oh Umberto Eco, you shadow of an echo, how you tease us island dwellers!
A Financial Assistance Fund has been created to enable qualified seniors without sufficient financial resources to apply and enter the Hamlet House, based on space availability. One room will be allocated for residents who may benefit from this new fund. Call the LOHO office at 468-2620 for more information.
On April 20, Joy Davis was awarded the 2010 Site Manager of the Year Award for her work with Westview Apartments.