Submitted by Lopez Island Conservation Corps
Lopez Island Conservation Corps proudly announces that its eighth annual Procession of the Species on April 21 was the largest yet, thanks to the participation and efforts of many community members.
LICC particularly wishes to thank: the Lopez Samba Ensemble for its heartbeat music; the Hamlet, for letting us parade through; Juniper Blomberg, for yet another gorgeous poster; Heather Harrison, for all the terrific photos; Stephanie Stratil, for teaching about sea stars at our costume workshop; the San Juan County Parks Department and the Sheriff’s Department, for keeping everything orderly and safe; Lopez Community Church, for hosting our sea star costume workshop; Yellow Bird School, for painting our wooden animal signs; the Orca Protectors, for loaning their individualized orca fins (greatly increasing participation!); and finally, our partners: Muddy Boots (especially Libby Valuzzi), the San Juan Conservation District and the BLM (especially Nick Teague).
Thanks, everyone — see you Earth Day 2019!