SJC Democrats 2024 Primary Endorsements

Submitted by David Turnoy

Voting in the Washington state primary begins on July 19, so you should be receiving your ballot shortly. After hosting most of the candidates for office this year over the last nine months at our meetings plus receiving detailed questionnaires back from the candidates, here are the endorsements for the August, 2024, primary from the county Democrats:

Governor – Bob Ferguson

State Senator – Liz Lovelett (*)

State Representatives – Debra Lekanoff (*), Alex Ramel (*)

Commissioner of Public Lands – Dave Upthegrove

Treasurer – Mike Pellicciotti (*)

Insurance Commissioner – Patty Kuderer

Superintendent of Public Instruction – Chris Reykdal (*)

Attorney General – Manka Dhingra

Supreme Court – Sal Mungia

Appeals Court Judge – Cecily Hazelrigg (*)

County Council #1 – Kari McVeigh

(*) denotes incumbent

Note that endorsement requires the candidate to request our endorsement followed by at least a 60% affirmative vote of our voting members attending the endorsement meeting. We will consider candidates in other races not listed here after the August primary and before the November general election.