Steve Hill’s art featured in NYC

Chelsea’s Agora Gallery in New York City will feature plein air artist, Steven R. Hill, in The Persistence of Form. The exhibition is scheduled to run from Nov. 2–23, 2011 (opening reception: Thurs., Nov. 3, 2011).

Chelsea’s Agora Gallery in New York City will feature plein air artist, Steven R. Hill, in The Persistence of Form. The exhibition is scheduled to run from Nov. 2–23, 2011 (opening reception: Thurs., Nov. 3, 2011).

Lopez artist Steven R. Hill creates inspired images full of light, color and movement that grasp the essence of the beauty and energy that make up modern scenes from urban and rural life. With a background as an abstract painter, Hill has immersed himself in more representational work with a plein air approach.

Hill’s paintings have everything to do with time and place, with moments of escape from the frenetic energy that underscores contemporary society. Although set in a modern context, his images are timeless.

Hill’s artwork was recently published in “Best of Worldwide Artists in Drawing, Pastel and Charcoal” by Kennedy Publications.

Exhibition Dates: Nov. 2–23, 2011, reception: Thurs., Nov. 3, 2011, 6–8:00 p.m., 530 West 25th St., New York City. For more information, go to