Submitted by the Friends of the Lopez Island Pool.
Thank you, Banner Bank, for your $10,000 gift to build a community swim center on Lopez! This gift represents Banner Bank’s commitment to our local communities and the hope that children and adults alike can enjoy the swim center for many years to come.
Inspired to do something about the reality that island kids are growing up surrounded by water but have no place to learn to swim, Kathy Kantrud, Banner Bank Dual Branch Manager and new FLIP Board member, says she had to do something about this and introduced the importance of this project to Banner Bank’s leadership.
Kathy was joined by Catherine Kenney, Senior Vice President & Retail Division Manager at Banner Bank, to deliver the check to FLIP. “We are excited to make this donation to help the Lopez Island community build a high-quality, low-maintenance swim center,” says Catherine. “Participating in projects like this is a privilege because it gives us an opportunity to reach out and assist others in our community who are adding to the quality of life we all enjoy here on the islands. We invite clients and the local community to please consider supporting this worthwhile community project.”
On behalf of the Board, FLIP Executive Director Anne Marie McPherson expressed gratitude to Banner Bank for its commitment to building a healthier community. “This is a perfect example of how this community’s overwhelming support is inspiring others,” she says. “Each of our supporters—1,000 donors strong—is making this a reality. $5.84 million has been raised and the vast majority of private funding has come from our local community.”