Lopez Island
Thurs, Fri
July 23, 24
Golf Clinic: Learn the fundamentals of grip, stance, swing, ball contact, putting, chipping and driving in a creative and fun environment. Bring a 7 iron golf club and putter if you have them. Ages: 9 to Adult, July 23-24, 9:30-11:30 Fee: $30 Offered thru the Lopez Family Resource Center’s Summer Workshops. For more info or to register, call 468-4117 or go online at www.lifrc.org.
Fri July 24
San Juan Initiative Policy Group Meeting: Islanders Bank, Friday Harbor 8:30-12:00. We will be discussing shoreline buffer widths. From this discussion we hope to have a recommendation for the Critical Areas Ordinance and the County Council. 360-298-2278
July 22-24
Swing and Salsa Dance: Learn the basic movements of swing and salsa in a fun relaxed atmosphere with instructor Mellissa Borg. No partners or prior experience needed. Even those with 2 left feet welcome! Ages 12 to adult, $20 fee, 2:00-3:30 July 22-24; Offered thru the Lopez Family Resource Center’s Summer Workshops. For more info or to register, call 468-4117 or go online at www.lifrc.org.
Sat July 25
Reading Lopez Landscapes: Explore and observe native plants, local geology, and soils to understand the creation of landscapes from Coast-Salish prehistory to modern farming. Ages 14 to adult; 10:00-3:00; $25 fee. Offered thru the Lopez Family Resource Center’s Summer Workshops. For more info or to register, call 468-4117 or go online at www.lifrc.org.
Sat July 25
Lopez Community Land Trust Grand Opening: Lopez Community Land Trust invites you to the Grand Opening of Common Ground with our innovative net-zero energy affordable housing neighborhood on Lopez Island. This will be a celebration and tour. 1989 to 2009 – 20 years of unleashing the power of community! 1:30 p.m. at the new Land Trust Housing Common Ground off of Lopez Road.
Sat July 25
The Big Event – Museum Fundraiser: Live Music, fabulous food, Historic photo show and an auction. Paintings, Sculpture, Folk art, Unique experiences. Tickets available at the Lopez Island Historical Museum. All proceeds benefit the Lopez Island Historical Museum. 6:30 p.m. at the Lopez Community Center.
Tues July 28
Blood Drive sponsored by the Lopez Island Lions Club: Sponsored by the Lopez Island Lions Club, the Puget Sound Blood Center will be holding a blood drive at the Community Church in the Village from noon to 6:00 p.m. Both previous donors and new donors are encouraged to participate. 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Community Church in the Village.
San Juan Island
Monday July 27
Making Nests: 9-11 a.m. San Juan Nature Institute class for preschoolers and their parents at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd. Cost $20 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646. 1-3:30 p.m. Making nests. San Juan Nature Institute class for 5-7 year olds at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd. Cost $25 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.
Tues July 28
Making Nests: San Juan Nature Institute class for 5-7 year olds at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd, 9:30–noon. Cost $25 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.
Tues July 28
Bird Adventures: San Juan Nature Institute class for 8-12 olds at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd, 1-3:30 p.m. Cost $25 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.
Wednes July 29
Tree secrets: San Juan Nature Institute class for 5-7 year olds at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd, 9:30-noon. Cost $25 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.
Wednes July 29
Secret Life of Plants: San Juan Nature Institute class for 8-12 olds at the home of instructor Alice Hibberd, 1-3:30. Cost $25 per child, scholarships available. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.
Wednes July 29
Going Batty: San Juan Nature Institute family program starts at the home of Alice Hibberd then moves to English Camp to watch the bats emerge, 7-9:30 p.m. Register by downloading form from our website www.sjnature.org or call 378-3646.