Community Calendar

Dr. Sam Milham, physician-epidemiologist specializing in public health – 20 years as an epidemiologist with the Washington State Department of Health will present a medical perspective on how the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation impacts our health. He’ll talk about the choices we can make, personally and as a society to coexist with this marvelous and potentially dangerous technology.

WED., Oct. 6

Radio Frequency Radiation and our Health: 7 p.m., Lopez Center. Cell phones, cordless phones, wireless routers in homes, schools, and libraries, cell towers and antennas, Wi-Fi, Wi-max broadband internet, pagers in our pockets and assorted personal electronic equipment all emit radio frequency radiation (RFR). This is non-ionizing radiation which means it is low frequency radiation without enough energy to knock electrons from their orbits around atoms. In today’s world, it’s all around us.

Dr. Sam Milham, physician-epidemiologist specializing in public health – 20 years as an epidemiologist with the Washington State Department of Health will present a medical perspective on how the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation impacts our health. He’ll talk about the choices we can make, personally and as a society to coexist with this marvelous and potentially dangerous technology.

Sat., Oct. 9

concert: 2:30 p.m., The Garfield High School Jazz band, Woodmen Hall. Tickets are $15, students have free entry. Tickets are available online at or at Blossoms, Paper Scissors and Islehaven Books.

Art Show reception: 5 – 7 p.m., Chimera Gallery. The reception is for Richard Singer (Live Sea Scrolls and Island Boxes) and Jeffrey Hanks (New Saggar Fired Work). Show runs through Nov. 12. Hours: Thurs. through Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 468-3265.

mon., oct. 11

Hawaiian hula workshop: 10 a.m. – noon, Woodmen Hall. Instructor Alice Rose Hibberd has been studying with master teachers Kumu Hula Kawaikapuokalani and Kumu Hula Keala Ching since 2000. As a certified teacher with a master’s in education, Alice has taught private Hula classes for girls and women on San Juan Island for more than a decade. Tickets cost $25. For more information, call 468-4038

tues., Oct 12

Enchanted Quilters meeting. 9:30 a.m., Woodmen Hall. Show and share and a short presentation. Open to the public.

Thurs., Oct. 14

Meeting for lopez gardeners: 10 a.m., Woodmen Hall. A representative from Wind Poppy Farms will speak about “Growing Grasses.” Coffee and other refreshments will be served at 9:30 a.m.

Thurs., Nov. 4

Lopez Artist Guild Trip to SAM: 7:30 a.m., Seattle Art Museum. A group from Lopez Artist Guild will travel to see the Picasso exhibit in Seattle on a triangle charter bus. The group leaves Lopez on the 7:30 a.m. ferry and arrives at SAM at 10 a.m. They have until 4 p.m. to view the exhibit and have lunch, leaving for Lopez at 4 p.m. and arriving for the 6 p.m. ferry. The cost for travel, museum entrance, and ferry fees will be approximately $34 A reservation is needed before Oct. 10. To reserve a place or for more information contact Raiti Waerness at 468-4868 or