Lopez Island
Mon Sept. 14
After School Soccer Program: Learn soccer fundamentals, develop skills, scrimmage and have fun! Six week program starting week of Sept. 14. Youngers (K-2nd) meet Tuesdays and Thursdays ($25 fee). Olders (3rd-5th) meet Mon and Wednes ($45 fee). Olders will play Saturday games with Orcas. Shin guards required. Offered through the Lopez Family Resource Center. For more info or to register, call 468-4117 or go online at www.lifrc.org.
Wednes Sept. 16
Chess: Let’s play chess! Come to the Lopez Library community room on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Chess sets, snacks and coffee are provided. For more info, call John at 468-3224 or email LopezChess@gmail.com.
Sat Sept. 19
Fall Meeting of the Washington Native Plant Society: Everyone is invited to the Fall 2009 meeting of the San Juan Islands Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society, Saturday September 19. Business meeting from 12:30-2 p.m. at the Earthbox conference room (410 Spring Street, Friday Harbor), field visit to Garry oak groves 2:00-4:30 p.m. Contact Madrona Murphy, chapter secretary, for more information (madrona.blue@gmail.com, 468-2808).
Sat Sept. 19
Vintage Fashion Show and Tea: Saturday, 1 p.m. at LCCA. Tickets $5 can be purchased at Blossom Grocery, Island Style, Paper Scissors on the Rock, Islehaven Books, and LCCA on Line. A collection of outfits from the Victorian Era to the 1950’s which includes wedding dresses, Edwardian walking suits, evening gowns and much, much more. Each outfit is complimented by appropriate vintage accessories.
Sun Sept. 20
TREK – Tri-Island to raise funds for the American Lung Association: (September 19-21, Saturday thru Monday- The Lopez Leg will be Sunday, 9/20). Three days, 20-50 miles per day of bicycling in the San Juan Islands. This is a ride at your own pace adventure. Visit www.CleanAirAdventures.org for information and registration. All the details will be handled so you can relax and enjoy the ride.
San Juan Island
Thurs Sept. 17
The Marine Science Associates Potluck/Lecture: The next lecture will be held in the Commons at the Friday Harbor Laboratories on Thursday, Sept. 17 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Anyone interested in current research in the marine sciences is welcome to attend. Signs will direct you to the parking area. One illustrated talk will be presented following the potluck dinner. The title of the talk will be: “A Distant Mirror: Deep-Sea Research on Board the Albatross 100 Years Ago.” The speaker will be David L. Pawson, Senior Scientist, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.