Coronavirus Is not fair

Submitted by the Washington State Department of Health

If you have kids, maybe you’ve had a chance to develop your version of the “life’s not fair” speech. Here’s the public health version of it: there’s nothing fair about disease. Families in our state do not have equal access to medical care, or jobs, or food, or housing. And this puts some of our families at higher risk of getting sick or losing income or even their homes as a result of a serious illness. Even the way we fight the spread of COVID-19 isn’t fair — some of us are able to stay home and protect ourselves and our loved ones, but some of us have to go to work to provide medical care or keep our grocery stores open. Some kids have access to online learning and leftovers in the fridge, and some kids don’t. And some of us will get COVID-19 while others won’t. Some of us will recover, and some of us won’t. Some of us will be able to help others in need and some of us will need help. There’s nothing fair about it, but at least we know we are all in this together.

We’ve loved hearing stories about Washingtonians finding creative ways to help people in their communities who are in need. We’ve heard about Facebook communities connecting people who can help with people who need food or groceries delivered. A medical supply company donated their entire supply of personal protective equipment to local hospital emergency rooms. People are sewing masks in their own homes. Chefs and restaurants are turning their restaurants into community kitchens and providing meals to folks in need and to hard-working first responders. Artists are hosting virtual dance classes and live concerts online to keep us entertained. People have found creative ways to help each other, share what they have and build community, all while staying home!

Stay tuned to our blog for more information on how you can help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Daily update on COVID-19 case numbers

Our Department of Health COVID-19 webpage is updated daily with the number of people confirmed to have positive cases and the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in Washington State. As of this writing, 2469 people in Washington have tested positive for COVID-19, and 123 have died of the disease. We are very likely to see more people with COVID-19 identified in the coming days.

Reliable COVID-19 information

The DHS blog update is current as of the day it is posted, but information changes rapidly. Please check our website for the most up-to-date info on Washington’s response to COVID-19 at

Fight stigma, public panic, and misinformation by getting your information from trusted sources. Listen to guidance from the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and your local health department.

Contact us

If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19 in Washington state, start by visiting our website. The public can contact our call center 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, at 1–800–525–0127.