Former Orcas woman charged with Fraud

Dana Brown, a 63-year-old former Orcas woman, was charged on May 2 with Theft in the First Degree, Property over $5,000, and Identity Theft in the First Degree, both class B felonies.

Brown had been caretaking and occasionally stayed in the guest house of the victims, but had moved off island. The victim reported to deputies that thousands of dollars were missing from an account rarely used. Statements showed multiple withdrawals totaling $70,000. Brown, according to the victim, had access to the victim’s online banking. Brown denied having such access, according to deputies.

Brown acknowledged receiving the funds but told deputies she did not know where it came from, “blaming it on trying to win things online, “ according to court documents.

The Affidavit of Probable Cause stated that “The fact that the first $10,000 fraudulent transaction was initiated when Brown’s checking account was [severely depleted] provides a strong motive for Brown to pay herself out of the victim’s account.”

The affidavit also stated that in months surrounding the $40,000 transfers, Brown withdrew thousands of dollars on multiple occasions at tribal gaming casinos and liquor stores, far exceeding income from other sources. Additionally, no authorized user on The victim’s account ever used mobile banking. The bank transfers initiated from a mobile IP address were not authorized, and BROWN’s phone number is a mobile number. According to the Affidavit, Brown uses the same mobile phone company IP address.

Brown criminal history includes multiple DUI’s, operating a vehicle without an Ignition Interlock device., resisting arrest, obstructing an officer and simple assault.

Brown pled not guilty during the May 6 arraignment. While the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Teresa Barnett requested a $25,000 bail, Brown was released without bail.

An Omnibus hearing is scheduled for Aug. 26 at 9:30 a.m.