Lopez Coalition represented at State Prevention Summit

Six representatives of the Lopez Island Prevent Coalition (LIPC): Alex Cook, Patience Taylor, Hanna Hobi, and Teddy McCullough, all Lopez High School students, and parent advisor, Georgeana Cook, will participate in the Washington State Prevention Summit to be held in Yakima, Wash., October 29-31.

LIPC is currently building a community base coalition in order to begin working on two primary goals: to reduce substance use among youth, and to strengthen collaboration among groups and community members to support that effort.

The purpose of the WA State Prevention Summit is to bring together 700-800 youth, volunteers, and professionals from all over the state to participate in educational programs and activities. Participants will work towards building safer and substance free environments for youth in their home communities.

Topics covered by leaders in this field will be presented at the summit, including: Big Alcohol and Underage Drinking; Effective Communications with Diverse Families; Technology in Prevention; the Power of Relationships on the Human Brain; Leadership for the Multicultural Age; and Environmental Strategies for Community Substance Prevention.

Conference highlights will include evening activities for youth and adults, networking opportunities, Native American storytelling, Youth Service Projects, and the Prevention Jam.

This Prevention Summit marks 25 years of building partnerships of prevention, sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General. For more information about LIPC, the summit, or prevention efforts in San Juan County, please contact Martha Sharon 370-7515, or email marthas@sanjuanco.com.