Lopez Lions Club Fun Run/Walk

Help make this a truly family-oriented fourth of July celebration by beginning your day either running or walking in the 35th annual Lopez Lions Club fund raiser.

by Ian M. Lange

Special to the Weekly

Help make this a truly family-oriented fourth of July celebration by beginning your day either running or walking in the 35th annual Lopez Lions Club fund raiser.  All events begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. at Islanders Bank.   And each person will be electronically timed starting when he or  she crosses the starting line.  Prizes will be given for age group winners.   While you may register July 4 between 7 a.m. to 8:10 a.m., save $5 per person and beat the crowds by registering the family between noon and 4 p.m. on Wednesday, July 2, or Thursday July 3 at the Lopez Village Market. Registration forms containing additional details are available at the Lopez Village Market, the Ferry Landing, Holly B’s, the Lopez Library and the Chamber of Commerce office.

We have the distance that fits your personal exercise schedule.  Choose either a one mile romp, 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) run, 10 km (6.2 mile) run, and a 5 km or one mile walk.  All races begin and end in scenic Lopez  Village.  Why participate? You will (1) help the Lopez Lions club support local non-profit organizations which include the Family Resource Center, vision assistance, Prevention Coalition, Cemetery Association and Lopez School programs and trips, (2) benefit your health through early morning exercise, and (3) be in the village well before the start of the 11 a.m. parade in order to pick your favorite viewing spot,  How can you or your family lose?

So exchange your tap-dancing shoes for either your walking or running shoes, and help make this the biggest Lopez Lions Club fund raiser yet.The Lions Club wants to break last years attendance record of 428 participants and $5,277 raised for the community.  Let’s try for 500 participants and $5,500!

While registering you may also purchase a blue designer tee shirt for $10, and/or a red baseball-style hat for $20 while supplies last.

Questions?  Email Jerryhancock@rockisland.com orianlange@rockisland.com