Lopez School considers placing bond on next election ballot

The Lopez School Board at their regular meeting on July 24, expressed interest in a proposal made by Superintendent Bill Evans to place a revised capital projects bond on the November 2014 ballot.

Submitted by Lopez School

The Lopez School Board at their regular meeting on July 24, expressed interest in a proposal made by Superintendent Bill Evans to place a revised capital projects bond on the November 2014 ballot. The board set a meeting for the purpose of further discussion, for Thursday, July 31, at 5 p.m. in the school library. The public is invited to attend and participate.

The proposed $9.6 million capital projects bond represents an approximate 40 percent reduction from the last bond proposal. It addresses priority items such as needed renovations and upgrades to the exterior and interior of the buildings, and restoration of critical infrastructure systems that are in various stages of degradation. It would also provide for upgrades to further enhance education and prepare the facilities to meet the requirements of modern technology. Early estimates of taxpayer costs for the bond indicate that it would cost approximately 30-35 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation.

“Our highest priorities,” said Evans, “are to address urgent safety and health needs by bringing the campus up to more acceptable safety, health, and security levels, as well as to look at much needed restorations and renovations of classroom and other spaces, to address education needs.”

With successful passage of this bond on the November 2014 ballot, the District will be able to begin substantive work in the summer of 2015. Any delay beyond the November ballot may well push such work out to the summer of 2016.