Lopez school tech levy passes

The ballots for the Feb. 9 General Election have been counted. There were 5,096 ballots submitted in the whole county, a voter turnout of 42.4 percent.

The ballots for the Feb. 9 General Election have been counted. There were 5,096 ballots submitted in the whole county, a voter turnout of 42.4 percent.

Lopez Island School District #144 Proposition No. 1 Technology Capital Projects Levy passed with 71.45 percent of voters voting yes, a total of 613 votes.

The levy will fund the following investments:

Computers, devices and workstations that will provide students and teachers with 21st century tools in the classroom.

Professional development for our teachers so they have the skills to integrate computers into their classrooms, use them effectively and lead our students in the responsible and effective use of technology.

Software that can reach students more effectively with powerful concepts and new ideas.

Technical support to keep equipment running smoothly and to ensure the digital safety of students and staff by providing filtering and monitoring of the school network.

The Tech Levy totals $150,000 per year for four years. The implications for taxpayers come to $0.13/$1,000 assessed value, or $52 per year for a $400,000 parcel. That is $4.33 per month.