What if you asked a bunch of people to say a few words about something they feel passionately about, sing a song, tell a joke or giggle like a couple of five-year-olds?
Then, what if you had them do this in a large room – gave them just three to five minutes — with chairs all around, homemade yummy finger foods and invited the community to sit in?
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening on Saturday, April 25, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Woodman Hall. And it’s free.
It’s called LOPEZ TALKS!
Here’s the story: participants of this year’s Leadership San Juan Islands, an intensive five-month leadership training program (www. LSJI.org), were asked to develop their own, island-centric projects in order to graduate. The Lopezian Team (Dave Sather, Bob O’Connell, Sara Waugh and Liz Taylor) came up with the bright idea of creating something similar to the Ted Talks, but right here on Lopez.
Their challenge: to create a fun, entertaining, sober, giggly late-afternoon event that will have their audience (you!) go home with a smile on your face, a hum in your heart or something to think about.
The only rule to the speakers: no bigotry or selling. Other than that, the sky’s the limit. The sponsors haven’t made anybody tell them what they’re going to say or do or sing. They’ll find out when you do.
A sneak preview of some of the titles and speakers gives a hint of what you’re in for: Cheryln Harlan, speaking about “My Trip Across America”; Nikyta Palmisani with “Recycling on Lopez”; Eleanor Burke on “Sex Positivity.” And what’s up with “Eat Fish?” by Dan Post and “Emergence and Resonance” by Rhea Miller? And, yes, there are five-year-olds doing “Little Girls Giggling.” And others!
Questions? Contact Dave Sather at satherds@hotmail.com.