Opening with a reception on Aug. 6, Orcas Center lobby will see the culmination of over 50 years of Frank Loudin’s imagination and artistic talents.
From a sexy redhead to rusty pick-ups and weathered barns; from miniature waterfalls with hidden fairy castles to aerobatic biplanes, Frank’s work leads the viewer through a world of insatiable observation and cultivated imagination.
As the title of his instructional book, “Capture the Charm of Your Hometown in Watercolor,” implies, Loudin finds inspiration just down the road or in a neighborhood backyard.
Loudin’s early career is represented by paintings reaching as far back as the 1950’s right up to yesterday, presenting varied interests and locales.
Loudin says, “I’m in the business of making people happy, whether reminding them of their past or pointing out a bit of charm right there in front of them.”
Reception from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The show will close on Sept.1.