Neighbor’s nightmare, rental row, lost legend | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls.

June 5

• Deputies responded to a call about vandalism in Eastsound after a building had been spray painted.

• A deputy took a report of an apparent trespassing in the Deer Harbor area. Persons were observed on a surveillance camera attempting to open a locked gate and eventually made entry through an unlocked gate. Once confronted by the owner, they left peacefully after making entry. The case continues.

• A deputy on San Juan took a report of found property. The items were determined to be garbage and were disposed of.

• A deputy took a report of an erratic driver on Orcas. After a plate number was provided, the deputy made contact with the registered owner who admitted to the offense. Education was provided and no further action was required.

• A Lopez deputy was dispatched to a vessel docked at a local business that was taking on water. Good Samaritans, the Sheriff’s Office, Lopez Fire, and IOSA personnel worked together to keep the vessel afloat until Tow Boats US arrived on the scene. Fortunately, no fuel or oil was released during the incident.

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a report of a vehicle in a ditch. The driver was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs.

• On Orcas, a deputy started an investigation after responding to a fraud complaint.

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a complaint about an unwanted person. The complainant wished to document some unwanted and unsolicited attention.

• Deputies on San Juan responded to a call from the Port of Friday Harbor and located an individual wanted on an active warrant. The individual was located and taken into custody on the warrant.

• While deputies were cleaning a cell in the San Juan County Jail, they located a sharpened plastic eating utensil. That discovery resulted in an inmate being charged with weapon possession by a prisoner and third-degree malicious mischief. The charges were sent to the Prosecutor’s Office.

• A citizen found a credit card on San Juan and took it to the Sheriff’s Office. After attempts to find the card’s owner, the deputy booked the card into evidence as found property.

June 6

• A dispute between a landlord and a tenant that turned into an alleged assault brought out deputies on Lopez. The reporting party declined to pursue charges, and arrangements were made for the tenant to leave amicably.

• After receiving a report of an assault, a deputy on San Juan arrested a suspect and booked them into jail.

• Deputies on Orcas impounded an abandoned vehicle at a public beach access. The vehicle’s plates had been removed and several numbers of the VIN appeared to have been tampered with. Ultimately, the vehicle was identified.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a report of a found wallet. The owner contacted the Sheriff’s Office and the item was entered into evidence until arrangements could be made to return the wallet.

June 7

• A deputy responded to a call about a trespassing on Orcas.

• A Lopez deputy completed a report related to a long-running landlord/tenant dispute.

• A deputy was called regarding possible credit card fraud on Orcas. An investigation showed no crime had occurred.

• Orcas deputies were dispatched to a downed aircraft in the water near Jones Island. The wreckage was located and, with assistance from partner agencies, the pilot was removed from the submerged plane. The person had succumbed to wounds sustained during the crash.

• An Orcas resident reported a case of vandalism involving a broken window on his vehicle.

• A deputy received a secondhand report of harassment on Orcas. Resources were suggested and direct contact from the potential victim was encouraged.

• A deputy was contacted regarding ongoing dog-at-large issues on Orcas Island. Follow-up is required.

• Deputies on Orcas responded to a domestic incident and arrested one of the parties involved for harassment, and domestic violence.

• A Lopez deputy responded to and documented a report of a missing package.

June 8

• An individual on Lopez who was heard screaming in their home at 3 a.m. told deputies they were having a bad dream and refused any offered assistance.

• After a resident noticed a broken front door window on a home in Eastsound, deputies filed a report of vandalism. There were no leads at the time of the report.

• A deputy responded to a reported forced entry into a business in Eastsound after it was discovered that a person had broken into a storage unit building after the outside lock was inoperable. No units inside the building were broken into and the case remains under investigation.

• Criminal charges were being investigated after deputies responded to a traffic offense on Decatur Island.

• Deputies responded to a reported vehicle collision on Orcas. The driver of the vehicle was later identified and treated for wounds. Probable cause was established to believe the driver was driving under the influence. An investigation is ongoing on the case.

June 9

• A Lopez resident was advised of the county code regarding late-night noise after a neighbor complained.

• A deputy responded to a call about a vehicle theft on San Juan after a person reported his boat was missing from a mooring buoy. The investigation continues.

• A deputy responded to a report of another theft, this time from a business in Friday Harbor. The involved individuals were a group of juveniles from off-island and, after they were located and the stolen items were recovered, a probable cause statement for third-degree theft was forwarded to juvenile services.

• A deputy on San Juan took a report that a license plate had been stolen.

June 10

• Deputies received a report of Lopez juvenile using marijuana and it was determined that the issue would be addressed by the child’s parents and the school.

• A Lopez resident turned in a realistic-looking toy gun they found while walking. The toy gun was destroyed and disposed of.

• A deputy completed a report for an ongoing dog-at-large violation on Lopez; additional charges may follow.

• An individual found a license plate on San Juan and turned it in to the local Sheriff’s Office. A deputy contacted the plate’s owner and learned they were no longer on the island. The deputy then submitted the plate into evidence as found property.

June 11

• A wallet with cash, credit cards, and a driver’s license was turned into the Sheriff’s Office in Friday Harbor. After attempts to contact the wallet’s owner were unsuccessful the items were placed in the Property and Evidence room pending contact with the owner.

• A pair of prescription reading glasses were also turned in to the San Juan Sheriff’s Office. The glasses were found on May 21 and placed in the Property and Evidence room.

• A deputy spoke with a person on San Juan who wished to have someone trespassed. The individual was located and served with a trespass warning letter.