On Saturday, Oct 19, IOSA is offering a class that will focus on the “Search, Capture & Rescue of Oiled Birds.” In the first part of the class, participants will learn about the different strategies and techniques for finding, stalking and capturing oiled birds, as well as field stabilization and initial care. The class will begin at 11:30 in Friday Harbor, then move to a local beach in mid-afternoon to put into practice what was discussed earlier in the class.
This training is one of two different types of oiled bird classes given free by IOSA each year in the San Juan Islands. The “Basic Care of Oiled Birds” training was held on October 5, 2013, and will be offered again at some point in 2014. But it is not necessary to take the trainings in any specific order. The Oct. 19 class, like the one on Oct. 5, is designed for both new and experienced oiled bird responders, since even those already trained are required by the WDFW to take a refresher course each year in order to stay currently certified.
IOSA also offers spill responder training for containment/exclusion, including on-the-water boom deployment drills, several times a year. If you let us know your mailing and email address, we’ll make sure you receive our schedule of trainings that we send out twice a year.
Class size is limited so send an email to: iosaoffice@rockisland.com for more information and/or to register for a class. We’ll send out an email with class location and other details to all those who are pre-registered. Also check out our website at: http://www.iosaonline.org.