“The wilderness seacoast is the overlooked slice of the wild.”
Fall is in the air, the pumpkin is on the vine and it’s once again time for The Friends of Woodmen Hall Fall Festival.
Community Calendar
Close to 200 people attended the first-ever Transportation Summit on Sept. 17 at the San Juan County Fairgrounds.
The people of Lopez Island have an extraordinary gift, a gift which they give very freely: caring. They give their time, their effort, their money, and their love.
Challenges for parents change and evolve with the times, and today, one of the biggest hurdles for parents to overcome is how media and technology affects their child’s life.
Starting today, your community news site is adding a lot more community. Visitors to our site can now contribute their own comments to all of our news stories, editorials and letters to the editor. You are invited to participate.
A Friday Harbor man was reportedly shot to death on Sept. 29. His brother is being held for questioning in…
Now celebrating its 14th year, the San Juan Nature Institute continues to offer science education through local schools, field workshops for youth and adults as well as cutting edge lectures and classes for the public.
West Beach Resort on Orcas Island is offering free ping-pong every Sunday at 1 p.m. for players intermediate and above, weather permitting.
On behalf of the patients in our community’s hospitals, thank you! During the blood drive on Sept. 23, Puget Sound Blood Center registered 30 donors and collected 27 units of blood. This will benefit up to 51 patients.
Jan Sundquist