People For Puget Sound is recruiting and training local volunteer kayakers to help locate infestations of invasive Spartina grass along San Juan County shorelines.
Young adult writers were challenged to write about “Preserving what’s important in a changing world” and “Imagine the Islands without land conservation” in essay or poem format for the third annual young adult essay contest sponsored by the San Juan County Land Bank.
Residents, policy makers and transportation providers are invited to explore economically and environmentally sustainable multi-modal transportation solutions for San Juan County at the Transportation Summit to be held September 17, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds.
One of the best ways to prepare children for the coming school year is to make sure their immunizations are up-to-date. Childhood vaccinations are among the most effective ways to protect children against serious and preventable illnesses, some of which have no cure or treatment. Parents should use the next few weeks to ensure their kids have all the immunizations they need to begin school. Certificate of Immunization Status forms, which outline the requirements, are available from schools and the Health Department.
Thomas Jefferson wrote, “There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me.”
The spreading of a sonic gospel can be a tiring task, one borne of devotion and tenacity.
Registration for the Fall Marine Naturalist Training Program, presented by The Whale Museum, is available now. The program dates are Saturdays, September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, and 19. The object of this program is to provide a learning experience that assists adult graduates in becoming qualified regionally as professional or volunteer naturalists.
The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) and the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office cited two businesses in San Juan County for alcohol violations following an August 8 joint undercover operation conducted by the two organizations.
For 12 years, island artists have opened up their Lopez studios, providing a glimpse into the creativity and work that goes into painting, sculpture, jewelry, and more.
Shovels. Pulaskis. Pruning shears. Wheelbarrows. Crowbars. McLeods. Crosscut saws.
“A Summer Evening in the Garden,” a fundraising dinner and auction for the Permanent Farmers’ Market, will be on Sunday, August 24 at the Wild Berry Farm on San Juan Island
Lopez music lovers will be treated to the unusual harmonies and rhythms of a true family-based bluegrass band on Saturday, August 23 at 7 p.m. at Lopez Center. And these people don’t come from Virginia or Arkansas, but Brier, Washington. They write a lot of their own music but manage to project the clear bluegrass-flavored sound.