Everyone is welcome to join County Council member Bob Myhr at the Lopez Library on Wednesday, August 20, 4-5:30 p.m. for a discussion of local and county issues, including Critical Areas Ordinance, Stormwater Regulations, Puget Sound Partnership, Lopez UGA, Odlin South protection, Fisherman Bay Road Plan, Referendum Issues, Ferries, and other current issues.
On a recent sunny Saturday in Friday Harbor, I was a guest on a public sail aboard the historic wooden sailboat, the Adventuress, now in its 95th year.
The Whale Museum’s lecture series continues with a talk by Jason Wood at the museum at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6. Dr. Wood will be presenting “Musings of a Maritime Instructor: Beam Reach Research in the Spring of Aught-Eight,” which will summarize the latest research projects completed by Beam Reach students.
A large crowd turned out for Lopez Island Historical Society’s “Big Event” on Saturday, July 26, netting the non-profit just over $30,000 for its programs.
The Lopez Children’s Center will be celebrating its 5th year of providing early childhood education and care to the children of Lopez Island.
Community Calendar
Orcas Island High School class of 1988 celebrated its 20th class reunion on Saturday, July 26 on Orcas Island.
The Veterans Administration has started once-a-month clinics at the Inter Island Medical Center on San Juan Island on the last Saturday of each month. The clinics are the result of longstanding efforts by San Juan County Council Member Kevin Ranker, working with “first gentleman” Mike Gregoire, State Washington Veterans Affairs Director, John Lee, and the Veterans Administration.
From August 4 through the end of September utility work will take place on Fisherman Bay Road on Lopez Island, from Military Road at the north end to Hummel Lake Road at the south end. During this phase of construction, OPALCO and CenturyTel will be relocating and installing utility lines underground. Some of the work will require trenching across the road, so motorists should expect delays, occasionally as long as 30 minutes.
In this time of war, amidst all the political debate and news reports, there is a sometimes-forgotten but heavily affected group: children.
Karen Rogers interviews Ted Leche about his time in the Navy and later as a priest.
As an avid sports fan, it wasn’t too surprising that former Lopez student Bryce Jardine would look into a job with the Mariners. And since he was hired as the Mariner Moose, he’s been loving every minute.
Jim Ghiglione and his family vacationed in the San Juans for close to 15 years, and they often mused about what it would be like to live here. When the Lopez Fire Chief position opened up at the beginning of this year, Ghiglione jumped at the chance to apply.