Read to your dogs

The Lopez Island Library is offering children the opportunity to read to therapy dogs this summer.

The Lopez Island Library is offering children the opportunity to read to therapy dogs this summer. Literature loving canines Sam, Isla, Bailey, and Tru will be in the library on July 6, 20 and 27. Each dog will see 4 children, so please sign your child up by calling the library at 468-2265.

It is important for children who are acquiring literacy skills to read aloud.  Reading aloud enables children to practice their meta-cognitive decoding strategies while improving their fluency and expression. The therapy dogs are an excellent audience because they are calm and non-judgmental.

Read To Dog programs all over the country find that children begin to see reading as a positive and fun activity as a result of reading to dogs.

Mark you calendar for other events at the library this summer.

The Summer Reading Program for children up to the 5th grade runs from June 18 to August 10. The theme this year is “One World, Many Stories”.  The 31st annual Teddy Bear Picnic is on Wednesday, July 13 at 11 a.m. and will once again feature performer Charley Thweatt.