Grace Episcopal Church Outreach Commitee is quick to be deferential. “We don’t want to toot our own horn” says Chair Anne Worley, who is more interested in extending the committee’s gratitude to the community . Indeed in talking about their efforts on the committee, personal positions are pushed aside in favour of highlighting the much appreciated Lopez support.
Modesty aside, the committee have indeed achieved much, their philanthropy extending beyond the bounds of the island. Charity, however, begins at home. They receive 10% of Grace Church’s pledged income from parishioners. With this, up to ten island organizations, from the Family Resource Center to the Hospice and Home Support, receive aid. These funds also help off-Island agencies in this country and in Latin America. Some of these organizations have ties to local islanders, and go to disaster relief both nationally and internationally.
Another string to the comitees bow is the food bank. This is run independent from the 10% pledge program although is located in the entry to Grace Church. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the organizational effort is made possible by a close and generous relationship between the committee and the community. The shelves are stocked daily by Committee members with additional monthly trips to Bellingham to collect approximately 1,000 lbs. of non-perishable, federally provided goods. These federal surplus goods are distributed on the last Friday of every month between 1 and 2 p.m. Islanders do their part in that the bank is supported solely by their donations of money and non-perishable food. These donations come from Island churches, organizations and individuals and, as the committee comments, are entirely vital to the Bank. Congregation members also collect contributions weekly outside the Village Market. A portion of the money received is donated monthly to Lopez Fresh and used to purchase additional much-needed items for the pantry shelf.
The committee noted that usage of the food bank and the monthly food distribution has more than doubled over the past year, and they are eager to encourage anyone in need to make full use of the resource.