Last year the temperatures dropped so low that when Lane Langford started singing he could see his breath.
In his unheated studio, musicians gathered despite the 20-degree weather and played even as the chill forced their guitars out of tune. The reason they were playing was for a simple goal: hope.
“There is satisfaction in knowing that this concert contributes to hope,” said Langford. “I really believe that the hope of humanity lies in our children and our families and Lord knows we need a lot of hope these days.”
This is Langford’s fourth concert, “Warmth in the Heart of Winter,” to raise funds for the Lopez Island Family Resource Center and the Lopez Children’s Center. Last year his musical endeavors produced $1,000 for each organization.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for youth $12 and can be purchased from the Lopez Center Office, Paper Scissors on the Rock, Blossoms Organic Grocery and the Lopez Bookshop.
Once agin he will be joined by Byl Leonard from Hawaii, along with Byl’s brother James, also from Hawaii, who will be handling the sound.
The rest of the performers are local island musicians. They will be playing what Langford calls an eclectic set of music including original tunes and covers of well-known tunes.
The last three years’ performances have been completely sold out and Langford attributes high turn out to the fact that people like to “share good feelings and like good music.”
For this year’s concert he said he would be happy to raise the same amount of money as last year, but it wouldn’t hurt to raise more.
“If we can break record and make more money that would be great or that maybe that [$2,000] is the max we raise,” said Lanford.
Either way Langford, his fellow musicians and the audience will have a good time sharing “Warmth in the Winter.”
For more information visit the Lopez Center’s website at