Water Tower renovations completed

Gifted to Lopez Island by Saera Eads, the renovated water tower in the Lopez Village park will stand for many years to come because of the Lopez Chamber of Commerce’s work.

Gifted to Lopez Island by Saera Eads, the renovated water tower in the Lopez Village park will stand for many years to come because of the Lopez Chamber of Commerce’s work.

Thanks to the hundreds of bikers who visited Lopez this spring, the Chamber of Commerce was able to renovate and repair an historic Lopez landmark that stands in the Lopez Village park: the water tower.

Gifted by Saera Eads to the community via the Lopez Chamber of Commerce 15 years ago, the water tower is a symbol of old Lopez. 

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Ron Norman, who won the bid for construction on the water tower, completed work on the tower in early September.

“Even with donations from the community added to the Tour proceeds, the renovation cost more than anticipated, so a portion of 2010 TDL profits will be used to cover those additional costs.”

The tower is used as storage for the Chamber, as it is not approved for occupancy.

“We have been working towards completion of this project for many years and are very pleased with Ron’s work. The tower is beautiful,” Becky Smith, Vice President of the Chamber, said.  

The Lopez Chamber of Commerce used 25% of this years’ proceeds from the Tour de Lopez for the renovation.

The Lopez Chamber of Commerce also maintains the bathrooms and grounds in the Lopez Village park and uses proceeds from the Tour de Lopez as well for the upkeep on the property.